The Galactic Protectorate
The Galactic Protectorate is headquartered on the terraformed planet of Mars in the Sol System. While Earth was the second planet to join the Protectorate, the Martian colonies from Earth were the first to organize a protective and scientific force after an attempted invasion by the “cloudforms” in the Crab Nebula.
Captain Chase “Bomber” McCann
Captain McCann is a pilot and defender scout for the Galactic Protectorate. Son of pioneering Martian colonists, Chase grew up with a the spirit of an adventurer and the curiosity of an explorer. When the G.P. was formed, he was one of the first recruits to go through the training and be assigned to the new Scout And Defend Force. There are a few legends about how he got his nickname, and some of them are probably true!
Commander Blippf
Commander Blippf is Chase’s first officer. Although much is unknown about Blippf as only a few of his kind remain. His planet was destroyed along with most of his people after it imploded in the aftermath of a genetic experiment gone terribly wrong. The people of Planet Blippf (all named Blippf, which is confusing) largely settle on other worlds and some serve in the Galactic Protectorate. Commander Blippf is an expert in chemistry and electronics, but is a quick study in most fields that can challenge a mission.
(LtCmdr) Dr. Andrea Ku Lin, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Andrea Ku Lin is part of the support staff of the Galactic Protectorate Science and Medical Unit (SCI-MED). She’s always ready to assist Chase and Blippf on their missions. The Qant-O-Comm Units that equip all ships and personal devices make sure she can be in constant contact with Chase, even if she’s light-years away.